MarActivities on Malta in 2022
As the LIFE Euroturtles project came to an end, Nature Trust Malta have continued on with actions and activities aimed at sea turtle conservation. NTM are currently caring for 8…

MarProject update: Cyprus Marine Turtle Rescue Centre
The Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR) runs a marine turtle rescue centre located in the Cyprus Marine Aquaculture Research Centre (CyMARC) in Larnaca. For the period of 2016…

MarSuccess of the project on Cyprus
Cyprus Marine Turtle Nesting 2017-2020 Prior to the commencement of the LIFE Euroturtles project and specifically during 2017 nesting season, 973 nests were monitored and protected on the beaches that…

FebLIFE Euroturtles on regional TV magazine
In February 2022. Croatian TV brought a report for regional TV magazine - Alpe - Danube -Adriatic aired in Austria, Slovenia and Croatia on Turtle rescue centre on Lošinj that…

FebWWF Italy awareness events of 2021
Thanks to the extension of the project until December 2021, 48 awareness raising events were held in 2021 with the release of 31 turtles in Policoro, Maratea, Taranto, Noto, Scoglitti,…

JanLIFE Euroturtles Project exhibition opened by mayor of Split
Although the LIFE Euroturtles project finished, interest of the public is not dwindling. In December Croatian Natural History Museum has delivered the exhibition to Natural History Museum Split. The exhibition…

DecLIFE Euroturtles has officially ended
With last day of the year passing, LIFE Euroturtles has reached its finish. During 63 months nine partners from six European countries worked hard for conservation of sea turtles. When…

DecFinal event in Croatia and project closing
Croatian Natural History Museum organised final event in Croatia on 22.12.20021. Unfortunately, due to catastrophic earthquake that hit Zagreb, CNHM has been heavily damaged and we had to evacuate our…

DecFinal LIFE Euroturtles conference
Croatian Natural History Museum and partners have organised LIFE Euroturtles final conference. The conference has unfortunately had to be organised on-line due to COVID19 pandemic. The invited participants included relevant…

DecFinal LIFE Euroturtles monitoring visit
During 14.12.2021. our project had final monitoring visit from Mr. Nikica Skroza from NEEMO. We have presented project progres and finalised activities and discussed preparation for development of the final…

DecFinal LIFE EUroturtles project partnership meeting
On 8. December 2021. LIFE Euroturtles partners have held their last project partnership meeting. We discussed our partnership, all the actions we have carried out, revisited many lessons learned and…

OctEducation package in Croatian available for download
The education kit of the LIFE EUROTURTLES project was translated in Croatian and is now available for use in Croatian speaking schools. Activities are described through Teachers' and Students' book…

Oct2021 monitoring season: the positive trend of nesting in Italy is confirmed
The positive results of the monitoring activities of summer 2020 were confirmed in the 2021 breeding season, even though a slight decline was registered with 60 identified and protected nests,…

OctItaly 2021: a new breeding season with excellent results
In 2021, the monitoring of the beaches carried out by the operators of the Euroturtles project allowed the identification of 63 nests, a little less than in 2020 but still…

OctSporadic nests of sea turtles are important
One of the special features of this summer is the great interest of the public for the sporadic nests of sea turtle that are made in different parts of the…

SepThe exhibition “Protection and Conservation of European Sea Turtles”
was part of the Rab Researchers’ Night program organized by the Rab National Education Institution on 25. i 26. 9. 2021.

SepEducation package in English free for download
The education kit of the LIFE EUROTURTLES project was translated in English in 2020 and is now available for distribution to both Greek and English speaking schools. Activities for the…

NovExhibition “Protection and Conservation of European Sea Turtles”
The one-day exhibition "Protection and Conservation of European Sea Turtles" was set up on 16th September 2021 in the Maritime Museum Orebić in Orebić on Pelješac. The exhibition was visited…

NovExhibition at the Korčula Town Museum
The mobile exhibition of the Croatian Museum of Natural History “Protection and Conservation of European Sea Turtles” was set up at the Korčula Town Museum

SepMobile exhibition “Protection and Conservation of European Sea Turtles”
was set up on 1. – 14. 9. 2021 in the Culture Center Vela Luka in Vela Luka, island of Korčula.

SepThe one-day exhibition “Protection and Conservation of European Sea Turtles”
…was set up on 15th September 2021 in the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Blato.

AugThe Action Plan for Marine Turtles in Greece is now adopted be the Ministry of Environment
A big step forward for marine turtle conservation in Greece: As a deliverable of the LIFE EUROTURTLES project (action A2), ARCHELON elaborated an Action Plan for Marine turtles with the…

AugFinal season of sea turtle bycatch monitoring in Savudrija, Croatia
From mid-June till the end of August a team of onboard observers of Blue World Institute and University of Primorska were monitoring sea turtle bycatch in static fishing nets.

JulZadarski list, Zadar
Zadarski list is the first and only daily newspaper in Zadar. The paper was first launched as a weekly in 1994, and has been a daily newspaper since 1998. Zadarski…

JulNests in Kyparissia
We are happy to announce that the ARCHELON team in Kyparissia Bay project has successfully located and protected over 500 nests already until Mid July! Morning surveys keep getting busier…

JunAvola: another “Friends of the turtles” municipality in Sicily
In June 2021 a new municipality adopted protection and awareness measures for sea turtles - the Municipality of Avola, in the province of Syracuse, which approved a resolution to place…

JunInjured sea turtle spotted at Governor’s Beach
Regarding the injured turtle that was found on Sunday, June 27, 2021, on the beach of Governor’s Beach, we would like to inform that it is a middle-aged green turtle…

JunProject video is published and available
During the activities of the project partners have been documenting their work. Although much more video material have been recorded, the documentary is about 25 minutes long so it can…
JunContribution to the protection of sea turtles in Cyprus during their spawning season with proper environmental behavior
The end of May and the spawning season of sea turtles (Caretta caretta and Chelonia mydas) has begun on the beaches of Cyprus. The life cycle of sea turtles is…

MayRescued turtle from litter and nets in Liopetri
The Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR) was informed through the website "Famagusta News" about the altruistic act of Thekla and Andreas, who rescued a young sea turtle of…

MayThe Science Festival at Nikola Tesla Technical Museum
The Science Festival is one of the most popular event that has been organized in Croatia continuously since 2003

MarEvent for public awareness of the sea environment
The Department of Fisheries and Marine Research in collaboration with the Department of Biological Sciences of the University of Cyprus, partners in the EUROTURTLES Life Program, organize a public information…

MarPostage stamps – LIFE Euroturtles
The leading project partner published a commemorative postage stamp set with the motif of a loggerhead turtle.

MarAnnouncement of the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR) in relation to publications and announcements for the creation of a community beach in the communities of Argaka and Gialia
The Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, expresses its dissatisfaction, in relation to a publication on 4.3.2021, entitled "Organized beaches…

FebWWF operators meet the students to talk about sea turtles and the Euroturtles Project
From December 2019 to January 2021, 20 meetings were held with students from different schools of all grades to talk about sea turtles and the objectives of the Euroturtles Project.…

JanAndronikis’ struggle for survival is moving
The little turtle is at the Marine Research Center of the Department of Fisheries where it is now been treated at Meneou beach, was found last October in a miserable…

Spatial information is of a crucial importance for the effective conservation management of sea turtle populations and identification of high-used habitats. One of the LIFE EUROTURTLES project partners, University of…

DecFour-month extension for Life Euroturtles with co-financing of the Green Fund of the Hellenic Ministry of Environment
2021 is the final year for the transnational co-funded Life Euroturtles program, in which organizations from Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece, Malta and Cyprus implement actions to ensure the survival of…

NovCroatian Museum of Natural History in cooperation with the Šibenik City Museum LIFE – Euroturtles workshops
Croatian Museum of Natural History in cooperation with the Šibenik City Museum during November held 5 workshops for organized school and kindergarten groups.

OctSea turtle rescued from marine litter
The Department of Fisheries and Marine Research would like to warmly thank the amateur fisherman Valantis Christofi for the recent rescue of the sea green turtle, Chelonia mydas, which was…

Oct2020 monitoring season, an extraordinary summer for sea turtles in Italy!
In 2020, monitoring activities began on June 1 and, by the end of the season, nearly 80 nests were identified and protected in Sicily and in the Ionian Gulf. An…

SepField work in Preveza
The last ARCHELON mission for 2020 was completed in September 2020 at the beach of Preveza, in western Greece. More than 15 loggerhead nests have been recorded there, from Kastrosykia…

SepSummer 2020: more and more people reached by the awareness initiatives on Italian coasts
Since the beginning of 2020, 26 outreach and awareness activities have been held in Policoro (MT), Torre Ovo and Torre Colimena, Ginosa (TA), Scicli (RG), Siracusa and Ragusa - some…

SepThird season of fishing gear modification to reduce sea turtle bycatch in Umag and Savudrija
Umag, Croatia

On Friday, 25th of September 2020, the Blue World Institute organized a workshop in Mali Lošinj entitled 'Open Day for Divers and Fishermen'. The main reason for this event was…

Aug6th International Marine Conservation Congress
The Blue World Institute and the University of Primorska conducted extensive field in summer of 2018 and 2019 in Istria, Coratia in collaboration with local set net fishermen. Net illumination…
AugOver 50 sea turtles’ nests at Kiti-Pervolia’s Caretta beach this year
Over 50 loggerhead sea turtles have nested so far at the Caretta beach area of Kiti-Pervolia this year, Melina Marcou of the Cyprus Fisheries Department told Philenews on Tuesday. Each…

JulSea turtle hatchlings on the protected beach of Lara
We are in the middle of the reproductive activity of sea turtles and after about 7 weeks of incubation, with great enthusiasm and joy we welcomed last Thursday, July 23,…

Jul9th Field Research Camp on Conservation biology
Attendees were invited to use the citizen science application to report observations of sea turtles and received multiple items of the project promotional materials.

Jun“Elpida” back in the sea
With great joy and satisfaction, the Marine Aquaculture Research Center (MARC) of the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR) released today, a green turtle (Chelonia mydas) named "Elpida" back…

The World Sea Turtle Day - 16th of June, was celebrated at the Blue World Institute as a part of the activities of the „Collective Actions for Improving the Conservation…

JunVoluntary bycatch reporting of fisherman
The positive outcome of this work has resulted in a voluntary reporting of sea turtle bycatch by those fishermen in winter and spring.

MayTreatment of Injured turtle: “Dias’” journey
On Tuesday, May 26, 2020, around 18:00, the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR), of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment was notified by a citizen for…

AprArticle „Čuvajmo naše morske kornjače“ in a school magazine, Modra lasta No. 8
Modra Lasta is a Croatian teen school magazine for young people. It comes out once a month during the school year, on about 52 pages. The journal is interesting, educative…

MarAerial survey in the Northern Adriatic successfully completed
You will be pleased to learn that the sea turtles have not abandoned us, although there are fewer to be seen than the thousands we counted last spring.

MarThe paper Sea turtles without borders – EU project “LIFE – Euroturtles”
"How to bring nature protection closer to the students" is published in the Proceedings of the 10th Meeting of Museum Educators with International Participation. It presents the educational activities of…

JanProfessional museum journal Vijesti muzealaca i konzervatora
is the is the official publication of the Croatian Museum Society.

JanBiological evenings: Sea turtles in Adriatic Sea – LIFE EUROTURTLES
The Department of Biodiversity organizes regular biological evenings, events where employees present their professional and research activities to university students, high school pupils and public. As a part of this…

DecExtension of the Natura 2000 site of “Arcipelago delle Pelagie”: goal fully achieved
The Natura 2000 site ” Arcipelago delle Pelagie”, cod. ITA040013, has been expanded

NovSeminar for teachers on turtles
In November 2019 a seminar was held for primary school teachers presenting the educational package of LIFE EUROTURTLES project in Athens. The seminar was presented by Vasilis Hatzirvasanis, illustrator and…

OctOutreach initiatives in Italy: more then 600 people involved
During 2019 summer, 18 public initiatives were realized - 10 of these initiatives took place in Policoro and included the release of turtles rehabilitated in the Policoro rescue center. Other…

Sep4th Project meeting in Glyfada, Greece
ARCHELON was happy to host the 4th project partner’s meeting in Greece. The meeting was held on 24 and 25 September near the ARCHELON’s Rescue Centre facilities. Participants from all…

SepNoto: the first Sicilian Municipality “Sea Turtles friend”
Noto, the wonderful town famous for its masterpieces of Baroque art, is the first Sicilian
municipality “ Sea Turtles friend”

SepSuccessful finish of the field work with fisherman in Istria
The Blue World Institute and the University of Primorska joined forces this year in Istria in order to maximize the collaboration with fishermen

SepCaretta caretta nests on Italian beaches are constantly increasing
The constant activity of monitoring and awareness raising carried out for the Euroturtles project is giving us the desired results that encourage us to continue in this direction

AugDiving expeditions in the frame of the implementation of action C6 – Reducing the impact of ghost gear in turtles.
The Oceanography Centre (OC) in collaboration with Yiannos Mylonas (Athletic Centre of the University of Cyprus), continuedthe diving expeditions in the frame of the implementation of action C6 –Reducing the impact of ghost gear in turtles.

AugProgress on monitoring the impact of modified fishing gear in Cyprus
The Oceanography Centre (OC) team in collaboration with the local fishermen installed and tested320 meters of trammel nets illuminated with LED lightsin the areasof Latsi, Pomos, and Zygi.

AugNo tolerance for violations of the law in relation to nature conservation
The Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, expresses its surprise at the statements of a Member of Parliament who reacts…

AugThe Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, visits sea turtle’s breeding area
Mr. Costas Kadis, Cuprus’ MOA Minister, visited the Natura 2000 area of Polis - Gialias and met representatives of the local authorities and was briefed on the implementation of the…

AugFlying High in the Skies – Unmanned aerial vehicle
During 2019 turtle nesting season, DFMR used successfully the DRONE for monitoring the turtle nesting activity mainly in Pervolia and Softades beaches and more occasionally in the protected areas of Lara-Toxeftra and Polis-Yialia.

Jul2nd collection of ghost gear in the frame of the implementation of action C6 – Reducing the impact of ghost gear in turtles
The Oceanography Centre, University of Cyprus (OC - UCY) in collaboration with a licensed subcontractor (ENERCO Energy Recovery Ltd) of OC - UCY, carried out the second collection of ghost…

JulInformative interview for LIFE EUROTURTLES project for the filming of the CyBC’s documentary “Message in a plastic bottle”
Representatives of University of Cyprus – Oceanography Centre (OC – UCY) participated in the filming of Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation’s (CyBC) documentary with the title “Message in a plastic bottle”.

JulReducing the impact of ghost gear in turtles
Use of a ROV in the frame of the implementation of the action C3 – Marine hot-spot areas for sea turtles: dynamic fishery management and areas of extension of Natura 2000 sites and action C6

The existing facility of the Sea Turtle Rescue Centre in Mali Lošinj led by the Blue World Institute has just been upgraded with the purchase of three new tanks for…

JunObserving tagged turtle with GPS-GSM transmitter in a near-shore enclosure
The University of Primorska in collaboration with Fondazione Cetacea from Italy attached another GPS-GSM transmitter on a rehabilitated sea turtle.

JunUpdate on fishing gear modification to reduce sea turtle bycatch
The Blue World Institute and the University of Primorska joined forces this year in Istria in order to maximize the collaboration with fishermen.

JunSuccessful start of aerial survey in Northern Adriatic
A team of researchers assembled from the Croatian Natural History Museum and the Blue World Institute successfully finished the first part of an aerial survey aimed at collecting data on…

JunGuidelines for protection of breeding areas of sea turtles in Cyprus
Green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) and Caretta sea turtles (Caretta caretta) breed in the region of the Mediterranean, the former almost exclusively in Cypriot beaches. To the human eye these…

JunUpdate on the use of drones for assessing the off-shore distribution of sea turtles in Slovenia
Piran, Slovenia The University of Primorska, Department of Biodiversity commenced the drone surveys for assessing the off-shore distribution of sea turtles in Slovenia in early June 2019. The two drone…

JunInteractive Educational Material of action E2
The University of Cyprus,Oceanography Centre (OC-UCY), preparedinteractiveeducational material for schoolchildren aged 3-12 years old,in order to inform pupils about sea turtles and their protection. The material consists of various interactive…

JunAerial surveys with drones start in south adriatic
The 2019 season of aerial surveys has started in Puglia, one of the project areas for this action in Italy.

MayFirst GPS-GSM transmitters of 2019 deployed in Northern Adriatic
After the winter dedicated to further optimization of GPS-GSM transmitters, the University of Primorska got the opportunity, to attach the first two transmitters of 2019.

MayResponse to comments regarding the protection of Sea Turtles and the actions of LIFE program
The Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR) expresses its regret regarding the publication in the media under the title "Shots fired by local authorities of Paphos against the Department…

MarInformative presentation for LIFE EUROTURTLE S project, in the frame of MELTEMI project
Mr Georgios FyttisfromUniversity of Cyprus –Oceanography Centre (OC-UCY) presented the actions of LIFE EUROTURTLES with an emphasis to the action C6-Reducing the impact of ghost gear in turtles, at the training seminar organized by AKTI Project and Research Centre in the frame of the project MELTEMI.

FebParticipation to the I nternational Sea Turtle Symposium, 2019 at Charleston , South Carolina, USA
Mr Georgios Fyttis from University of Cyprus –Oceanography Centre (OC UCY) represented LIFE EUROTURTLES in the International Sea Turtle Symposium that was held at Charleston South Carolina, USAbetween 02 February and 08 February 2019.

NovMeeting with fishermen in the frame of the actions C2, C3, C5 and C6
The stuff of Oceanography Centre,University of Cyprus (OC-UCY) had a meeting with local fishermen for multiple tasks of various actions of LIFE EUROTURTLES

NovPresentation of the EU – LIFE Euroturtles project at the 10th Croatian Museum Education Conference
The LIFE Euroturtles project and its educational activities run by the museum were presented at the conference by Renata Brezinščak, museum adviser for the Education and museum educator of the project.

NovSummer 2018: results from monitoring of nesting sites in Italy
Euroturtles project partners in Italy have identified and protected 26 nests (23 in Sicily, 2 in Puglia and 1 in Basilicata regions), with 1292 hatchlings who were able to reach the sea.

OctLIFE Euroturtles is part of EU Protects campaign
European Commision launched European wide #EUProtects campaign showing how EU supports protecting what is important to us.

Oct3rd LIFE Euroturtles project meeting
For the third time since the beginning of the project, the Beneficiaries of LIFE Euroturtles gathered together in an annual project meeting (20-21. October 2018) in order to better talk about the activities carried out in the last year, share experience, ideas, possible problems and possible solutions.

OctPresentation of GSM tracking transmitter in Brijuni National Park
Brijuni National Park, 19. Oct. 2018. Spatial information is of a crucial importance for the effective conservation management of sea turtle populations and identification of high-used habitats. Satellite telemetry is…

OctWorkshop “Whose biodiversity, whose value?”
On the third day of the Mediterranean Sea Turtle Conference in Poreč researchers from the Blue World Institute (BWI) and the University of Primorska hosted the workshop on ‘Whose biodiversity, whose value? Engaging with stakeholders to understand their perceptions’.

OctLIFE Euroturtles on 6th Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles
LIFE Euroturtles partners will be strongly supporting the 6th Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles organisation and workshops, presenting the project and sharing acquired knowledge and experience.

OctSea Turtle Rescue Centre in Mali Lošinj in 2018
Since the beginning of 2018 Blue World Institute researchers have received a total of 28 reports of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta). In 27 cases dead animals were reported and in one case there was a live individual.

OctLIFE Euroturtles 3rd Project meeting
The partners of LIFE Euroturtles project will meet on their third project meeting in Poreč, Croatia.

SepProgress on the use of drones for assessing the off-shore distribution of sea turtles in Italy
After a first phase in 2017 when the method was set up, in the summer 2018 (June-September) the project module for assessing turtle distribution at sea became fully operational in the Pelagian archipelago.

SepProgress on monitoring the impact of modified fishing gear in Slovenia
During the monitoring of the effectiveness of visual cues in reducing the bycatch of sea turtles in coastal set net fisheries, two loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) were caught and rehabilitated on board before being successfully released.
SepeTurtle, a citizen science application promotion on Cyprus
The Oceanographic Centre, University of Cyprus (OC-UCY) is encouraging the public in Cyprus to download a smartphone app aimed at collecting information on observations of sea turtles in the wild.

SepInjured Green Turtle “Eleftheria”, treated and released back to the sea
A green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) that was found injured in Limassol last July was released back into the sea on Wednesday the 12th September 2018. The turtle, that was given the name ‘Eleftheria’ (Freedom), was successfully released into the sea at Larnaca in the presence of the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, Mr Costas Kadis.

SepA green turtle recovered with the aid of the eTurtle app
In collaboration with the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, the green turtle found in Karin was trapped and relocated to Vis Island, where the animal was measured, tagged and successfully released so that it may find its way to wintering grounds.

SepProgress on monitoring the impact of modified fishing gear in Croatia
In the period from 09th July – 30th August 2018, a team of two dedicated researchers and three collaborating fishermen completed 28 outings with the aim of assessing the impact of modified fishing gear on sea turtle bycatch reduction

SepeTurtle app in the News at 12 of HRT1
Croatian national TV brought a news on our citizen science app and green turtle in Karin Sea in the central News at 12. inviting viewers to download the app and help us in collecting the data on sea turtle observations.

AugGreen turtle caught in Piran Bay, Slovenia
An unusual looking sea turtle was caught 6-7 nautical miles off Savudrija. By examining the provided image, we were able to identify the turtle as the green turtle.

JulLoggerhead sea turtle caught in gillnet during modified gear testing
On 30th July, a loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) was caught in a gillnet set by the research team assessing the effectiveness of modified fishing gear on the reduction of…

JulWWF Italy completed the threats analysis for sea turtles on the beaches of 13 municipalities. A new regulation is needed!
The analysis of the anthropogenic threats on the beaches of 13 Italian municipalities as part of the Life Euroturtles project in Sicily, Basilicata, Puglia and Calabria was completed in July 2018.

JulTesting trammel nets equipped with LED lights in Croatia
Two researchers will be setting modified trammel nets equipped with green-coloured light-emitting diodes (LED) in collaboration with a fisherman operating in the waters off Savudrija, Croatia.

JuleTurtle – a citizen science app for reporting observations of sea turtles
eTurtle is a citizen science application aimed at collecting information on observations of sea turtles in the wild. Currently it is available for Android OS and can be downloaded from PlayStore.

JunBlue World Institute celebrated World Sea Turtle Day
As every year, 16th of June 2018 was the date saved for the celebration of the World Sea Turtle Day! This year, as part of the educational activities on LIFE EUROTURTLES project („Collective Actions for Improving the Conservation Status of the EU Sea Turtle Populations“), Blue World Institute celebrated this important date by organizing a workshop for children at Ridimutak Beach at the island of Lošinj.

JunTesting trammel nets equipped with LED lights in Slovenia
On 10th June, the application of visual deterrents to set nets, in the form of green-coloured light-emitting diodes (LED), continued in collaboration with a fisherman operating in Piran Bay, Slovenia.

JulDiving expeditions continuation to reduce the impact of ghost gear
The Oceanography Centre, University of Cyprus (OC-UCY), continues to carry out diving expeditions in the frame of the implementation of action C6 – Reducing the impact of ghost gear in turtles.

JunOutreach activities in schools on Cyprus
The staff of the Oceanography Centre, University of Cyprus is carrying out outreach activities in schools

MayA network of collaborating institutions in Croatia provided with sea turtle rescue kits
In cooperation with the Croatian Agency for the Environment and Nature, BWI identified a number of veterinary stations and other relevant institutions in Croatia that are suitable recipients for the dissemination of rescue kits developed within the project.

AprDiving expeditions continuation and use of a side scan sonar in the frame of the implementation of action C6 – Reducing the impact of ghost gear in turtles.
The Oceanography Centre, University of Cyprus(OC-UCY), continuedthe diving expeditions in the frame of the implementation of action C6 –Reducing the impact of ghost gear in turtles on 04 April 2019

Apr13 sea turtle nests on Sicily have been found during 2017!
On April 6th in Palermo WWF Italy presented the first results of the monitoring activities for detecting sea turtles’ nests during the summer 2017, in the Sicilians beaches of Siculiana, Torre Salsa and Vendicari.

AprMobile exhibition
Mobile exhibition on sea turtles biology, ecology, threats and conservation, with particular regard to the Mediterranean and EU populations set up at the lobby of the Croatian Natural History Muesum

MarLaunching a 24/7 rescue hotline for sea turtles on Cyprus
The University of Cyprus in collaboration with the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research, have launched a 24/7 rescue hotline for sea turtles on the 1st of January 2018. If you spot an injured or dead sea turtle in Cyprus, call +357-96952929.

MarBlue World Institute organized workshop for fishermen
On Friday, March 16th, 2018, we used the unfavorable weather forecast that kept the fishing boats in the harbors of the island of Lošinj to organize a workshop for fishermen. During the meeting we were conducting individual interviews with each fisherman collecting the information on the procedures with caught sea turtles as well as information on their knowledge on the areas relevant for sea turtles.

DecFirst diving expedition to reduce the impact of ghost gear
The Oceanography Centre (OC) and the Scuba Diving Team of the Athletic Centre of the University of Cyprus (UCY), carried out the first diving expedition in the frame of the implementation of action C6 – Reducing the impact of ghost gear in turtles

OctA positive season in Italy for Sea turtles
With the late hatching nest of Campomarino di Maruggio (Taranto) on 15 October 2017, the Caretta caretta turtle breeding season closes for Italy. The first year of Euroturtles project in Basilicata and Sicily has been a year of great satisfaction : there were found on our beaches many traces of these ancient reptiles and 17 nests, mainly concentrated in Sicily, Puglia, Calabria and Basilicata, where, 29 years after the last discovery, was found a nest of 90 eggs.

OctPresentations of LIFE EUROTURTLES project at the Akrotiri Environmental Education Centre
The University of Cyprus – Oceanography Centre (OC-UCY) Georgios Fyttis and the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR) gave informative presentations for LIFE EUROTURTLES project

OctPrince Charles Releases Rehabilitated Turtles in Malta
Three rehabilitated turtles were released by Nature Trust Malta in the presence of Prince Charles, who took part in the release to raise awareness on the threats of litter on marine biodiversity as part of the ‘Our Ocean 2017’ conference held in Malta.

SepLife Euroturtles at Researcher’s Night on Cyprus
Life Euroturtles Project was presented by OC-UCY staff on the yearly organized Researcher’s Night by Research Promotion Foundation.

Sep2nd meeting of project partners on Cyprus
2nd meeting of project partners “LIFE EUROTURTLES – Collective actions for improving the conservation status of the EU sea turtle populations” has been hosted by the University of Cyprus – Oceanography Centre and the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research in Larnaca on 26-28 September 2017.

AugTesting trammel nets with LED lights in Slovenia
As a part of direct conservation actions of LIFE EUROTURTLES project the Department of Biodiversity started with the testing phase of a fishing net modification to reduce sea turtle bycatch – deploying the trammel nets with attached LED lights.

AugFieldwork for the implementation of the project actions on Cyprus
Oceanography centre’s stuff visited Latsi area using ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) in order to record the sea turtle foraging grounds in the Polis-Gialia Natura 2000 site (CY4000001) as well as identifying the possible location of abandoned fishing gears (ghost nets).

AugLIFE 2017 Info day
Members of LIFE EUROTURTLES (OC-UCY) participated in LIFE 2017 INFO DAY on 8th of June 2017, in Cavo Greco Environmental Education Centre (Cyprus).

JulFencing and Signs at Nesting Sites
Softades Beach: “Fencing” with the use of wooden constructions for obstructing any vehicle access and to protect the turtle nests found on that beach. This wooden fence was completed in…
JulAn underwater survey in the targeted sea turtles foraging ground
An underwater survey in the targeted sea turtles foraging ground was carried out by ROV expert from TEPAK and OC – UCY staff

JulParticipation in the event “Paddle for our Sea”
The Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR) was invited to participate in the event “Paddle for our Sea” (Image 1) organized by the Windsurf-City Cyprus, in Larnaca on the 23rd July 2017.

JulLIFE Euroturtles presentation at 19th Croatian SEMEP summer school on Vis
Blue World Instiute was invited as a guest organization to SEMEP School and we used the opportunity to present LIFE Euroturtles project but also to give lecture on marine turtles biology, ecology and conservation to around 70 students and their teachers.

JulDetecting potential turtle nests with the usage of UAV
With the usage of one unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) marine turtle tracks and potential nests were detected in two beaches in Larnaca area, Pervolia and Softades.

JulEntangled sea turtle rescued
A young loggerhead sea turtle entangled in plastic strings was found in Čikat bay, Mali Lošinj. The turtle named Lucky remained on the observation in the Marine Turtle Rescue Centre in Mali Lošinj for two days and was released back into the sea.

JulLIFE Euroturtles on 25th Dolphin Day Celebration on Lošinj
On the first day of the celebration, 30th of June, we presented the work of the Blue World Institute through lectures on the Adriatic Dolphin Project, LIFE EUROTURTLES project and a retrospective of the past 25 Dolphin Days.

JunInjured turtle transfered to the Meneou Turtle Rescue Center
Injured turtle with serious head injury was transferred to the Meneou Turtle Rescue Center

JunWorld Sea Turtle Day Celebration
The celebration of this year’s World Sea Turtles Day was one of the activities of the project „Collective Actions for Improving the Conservation Status of the EU Sea Turtle Populations – LIFE EUROTURTLES“

JunA drone pilot training session in Akrotiri area
A drone pilot training session in Akrotiri area

JunTurtle Rescue Kits delivered to the District Offices
During the month of June 2017, the “Rescue Kits” made under the Action C.5 “Rescue Centers and Networks”, were disseminated in the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR) District Offices in Paralimni, Larnaca, Limassol and Paphos.

JunWWF Volunteer’s Day for the Protection of the Sea and Coasts
During this day of WWF Italy volunteering mobilization for the Protection of the Sea and Coast, the operators of Euroturtle’s project organized sea turtles awareness events (ACTION E2) in Policoro and in Mondello, near Palermo. Many tourists and children participated with interest asking information about sea turtles and the project.

JunBWI Radio Interview on Sea Turtles
Mateja Zekan, the Blue World Institute’s Marine Turtle Rescue Centre manager, gave an interview on biology and ecology of sea turtles for the radio show „Minutes of Knowledge“ of Radio Jadranka Mali Lošinj.
Jun25. Anniversary of EU LIFE Programme and Natura 2000 network
On the 8th of June a public event to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the EU LIFE programme and NATURA 2000 network was organized by Department of Biodiversity at UP FAMNIT. The event was dedicated to emphasize the importance of the conservation of marine biodiversity and share what mechanisms can be used to preserve the marine environment.

MayOC-UCY radio interview
Dr. Yianna Samuel-Rhoads from Oceanography Centre, University of Cyprus gave an interview on activities of LIFE Euroturtles project in Cyprus.
MayThe WWF guidelines for nest monitoring and protection
WWF Italy has produced a document intended for the operators of the Euroturtles Project on the guidelines to monitor and secure sea turtle nests. The document outlines clear indications about…
MayINFO dan – LIFE otvaranje natječaja 2017
Nacionalna kontakt točka za Program LIFE pri Ministarstvu zaštite okoliša i energetike organizirala je INFO dan – LIFE otvaranje natječaja 2017. Cilj INFO dana je pružiti sudionicima novosti o otvorenom LIFE natječaju za 2017.

AprLIFE EuroTurtles Open day / European NATURA 2000 Day
On the 23rd of April 2017 Nature Trust Malta, a national partner of the LIFE EuroTurtles Project, hosted an open day at the Xrobb l-Għaġin nature park for the general public where a stall was dedicated to promoting the efforts and activities of the EuroTurtles Project, informing visitors about the status of turtles in the Mediterranean, and highlighting the need for the effective conservation of these vulnerable species.

AprMeeting with fisherman on Lošinj
In April 2017 we presented LIFE Euroturtles project at the meeting with local fishermen from the island of Lošinj, representatives of FLAG Vela vrata operating in Cres-Lošinj area and representatives of the City of Mali Lošinj.

AprVisit to National Park of Mesolonghi Lagoon
One of ARCHELONs rescue network officers accompanied by 1 volunteer, visited the National Park of Mesolonghi Lagoon. The Lagoon hosts many protected species one of which is the loggerhead sea turtle which uses the lagoon as a foraging site.

AprMeeting with fishermen in the three fishing shelters of Cyprus
Three members of OC-UCY on 7. and 8.4.2017 visited the three fishing shelters (Latsi, Pomos and Kato Pyrgos), where actions of LIFE EUROTURTLES will take place.
AprLIFE Euroturtles at WWF national sea turtle meeting
The first Italian Life Euroturtles project public event was organized at WWF Oasis of Policoro, Basilicata, which hosts an important Turtle Centre.

MarPresentation of LIFE Euroturtles on Croatian LIFE Info day
LIFE Info day was organised by “LIFE Program Croatia” in Zagreb where informations on LIFE Program and co-funding oportunities were presented.

MarLIFE Euroturtles project presented on LIFE Info day
Dr. Draško Holcer, from Croatian Natural History Museum, coordinator of LIFE Euroturtles project presented the project aims, goals and activities on LIFE Info day organised in Zagreb.

MarSea turtles: mysterious inhabitants of the Adriatic sea
As part of public awareness activities of the LIFE EUROTURLES project, Department of Biodiversity at UP FAMNIT organized a series of lectures about sea turtles of the Adriatic and Mediterranean Sea.
OctThe first meeting of partners of LIFE EUROTURTLES project
The first meeting of partners of our new EU project „Collective Actions for Improving the Conservation Status of the EU Sea Turtle Populations.

JulLIFE EUROTURTLES Press conference with Mayor of Zagreb, mr. Milan Bandić
Croatian Natural History Museum and eight partners from six EU countries have succesfully applied for funding on EU LIFE financial instrument.