Four departments (zoology, botany, geology, mineralogy), 30 curators and professional staff and over 2 mil. specimens mostly collected in Croatia and neighbouring areas, are making CNHM a place that engage public and scientists alike. CNHM is part of both national cultural and scientific networks. Amongst most interesting collections are those of Krapina Neanderthal hominids (largest […]
October 19, 2016

The first meeting of partners of our new EU project „Collective Actions for Improving the Conservation Status of the EU Sea Turtle Populations – LIFE EUROTURTLES“ has been held in the Croatian Natural History Museum in Zagreb from 17-19. October 2016. Representatives of Croatian Natural History Museum, Blue World Institute of Marine Research and Conservation, Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece – Archelon, Department of Fisheries and Marine Research, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment Cyprus, Nature Trust Malta, University of Cyprus, Department of Biology and Biotechnologies “Charles Darwin” – Universita degli studi di Roma La Sapienza, University of Primorska – Koper and WWF Italia during the meeting have agreed on starting of the first activities of the project.