AprLIFE Euroturtles at WWF national sea turtle meeting

Oasi WWF Policoro-Herakleia- Basilicata, Italy
The first Italian Life Euroturtles project public event was organized at WWF Oasis of Policoro, Basilicata, which hosts an important Turtle Centre.
During two days of national sea turtle meeting, biologists, veterinarians, researchers, staff and WWF volunteers, discussed the state of conservation of marine turtles in Italy. The actions of the Euroturtles project were presented by Dr. Paolo Casale and further discussed.
Italian experts, such as Daniela Freggi, Antonio Di Bello, Antonio Mingozzi and Paolo Casale actively contributed to the meeting. The Anton Dorhn Zoological Station, Calabria University and the Veterinary University of Bari were also present, together with many volunteers who dedicated themselves for over twenty years to the protection of sea turtles through their activities at rescue centres, nesting sites monitoring, and awareness and education activities.
WWF volunteers released a young turtle rescued and recovered at the Policoro centre back to sea during the meeting.