DecLIFE Euroturtles has officially ended

With last day of the year passing, LIFE Euroturtles has reached its finish.
During 63 months nine partners from six European countries worked hard for conservation of sea turtles.
When we started the project in September 2016. no one of us could even dream of all the trials that we, our partnership and the entire World will be put through. The first major problem was start of the COVID 19 pandemic which paralysed the world. Nevertheless, with a bit scaled down activities we successfully sailed through the 2020. Another main issue was catastrophic earthquake in Zagreb that heavily damaged the building of the lead beneficiary, Croatian Natural History Museum. The Museum has been successfully evacuated and our project continued undisturbed.
With much pride we can say that we managed to carry out all of the planned activities with neglectable changes to the original plan and we believe the Mediterranean is a little better place for sea turtles! Now we are turning to summing up our work and preparing of our final report!
Thank you for following us here, through media and on out Facebook.
We are wishing you Happy new 2022!