OctLIFE Euroturtles on 6th Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles

From 16th to 19th of October 2018 the 6th Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles will take place in Poreč, Croatia. This is the largest sea turtle event in Europe and Mediterranean region aimed at exchanging the knowledge, establishing new collaborations and presentation of research and conservation results. Although it is an international event supported by the UNEP MAP – Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA), Bern Convention, the Convention for Migratory Species and the IUCN/SSC Marine Turtles Specialist Group, LIFE Euroturtles partners will be strongly supporting the conference organisation and workshops, presenting the project and sharing acquired knowledge and experience.
Conference is organized by the Department of Biodiversity of the University of Primorska (Slovenia), in collaboration with the Blue World Institute of Marine Research and Conservation (Croatia) as the local co-organizer. Both organisations are partners to LIFE Euroturtles. In addition, the Conference is supported by the Croatian Natural History Museum, the lead beneficiary of LIFE Euroturtles, who will also publish a special issue of its scientific journal Natura Croatica dedicated to work presented during the Conference.
Researchers and scientists from most LIFE Euroturtle partners will present their research on the Conference in the form of oral or poster presentations.
The Blue World Institute will host a workshop “Whose biodiversity, whose value? Engaging with stakeholders to understand their perceptions” focusing on available methods for assessment of the role of species of conservation concern, such as sea turtles, that is understandable to both local stakeholders and visitors, and which can help develop conservation.
Use of the UAVs is one of the new technologies used in LIFE Euroturtles for field monitoring activities. Dr. Alan Reese will host a workshop “Using drones for marine turtle research and conservation” intended to bring together sea turtle researchers that are experienced, novice and just interested in using UAVs or drones.
Finally, University of Primorska and Croatian Natural History Museum LIFE Euroturtles will organise a field trip to Brijuni National park where newly developed GSM transmitter will be presented to the sea turtles researchers and conservationists who could benefit from the use of this new technology.
We are looking forward to successful and fruitful work and presentation of our project to the international sea turtle conservation and research community!