NovMeeting with fishermen in the frame of the actions C2, C3, C5 and C6

The stuff of Oceanography Centre, University of Cyprus (OC-UCY) had a meeting with local fishermen for multiple tasks of various actions of LIFE EUROTURTLES: (a) C2-Reduction of mortality of turtle caught in fishing gear: Fisher kits distribution; (b) C3-Marine hot-spot areas for sea turtles: dynamic fishery management and areas of extension of Natura 2000 sites: Meeting with fishermen;(c)C5-Rescue centres and networks: increasing sea turtle rehabilitation capacity: Awareness campaign; (d) C6-Reducing the impact of ghost gear in turtles:Awareness campaign. The local fishermen were informed through presentations, dissemination material and personal communication about the aforementioned actions and expressed their willing to collaborate for the implementation of the actions that need their support.The awareness campaign was held at Cultural Centre of Neo Chorio, Pafos on 23rdof November 2018.