JulReducing the impact of ghost gear in turtles

The Oceanography Centre, University of Cyprus(OC-UCY)with the collaboration of the Associate Professor Savvas Loizou, Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), a subcontractor of OC-UCY continued the underwater surveys using aremotely operated vehicle (ROV) in order to identify key foraging or internesting grounds frequented by high numbers of sea turtles and where turtles are subjected toa high anthropogenic mortality due to fishery interactionin the frame of the implementation of the action C3Marine hot-spot areas for sea turtles: dynamic fishery management and areas of extension of Natura 2000 sites.
Hence the ROV is being used in the frame of the implementation of the action C6 –Reducing the impact of ghost gear in turtles, in order to identify possible locations of ghost gear.The surveys were carried out on 10thof July at the gulf of Polis Chrysochou.