NovExhibition at the Korčula Town Museum
The mobile exhibition of the Croatian Museum of Natural History “Protection and Conservation of European Sea Turtles” was set up at the Korčula Town Museum

NovExhibition “Protection and Conservation of European Sea Turtles”
The one-day exhibition “Protection and Conservation of European Sea Turtles” was set up on 16th September 2021 in the Maritime Museum Orebić in Orebić on Pelješac. The exhibition was visited by about a hundred locals and tourists.

SepThe exhibition “Protection and Conservation of European Sea Turtles”
was part of the Rab Researchers’ Night program organized by the Rab National Education Institution on 25. i 26. 9. 2021.

SepThe one-day exhibition “Protection and Conservation of European Sea Turtles”
…was set up on 15th September 2021 in the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Blato.

SepMobile exhibition “Protection and Conservation of European Sea Turtles”
was set up on 1. – 14. 9. 2021 in the Culture Center Vela Luka in Vela Luka, island of Korčula.

JunWorld Sea Turtle Day 2021
We marked this year World Sea Turtle Day together with the children from the Malešnica Kindergarten in Zagreb.

MayThe Science Festival at Nikola Tesla Technical Museum
The Science Festival is one of the most popular event that has been organized in Croatia continuously since 2003

MarWorkshop at the exhibition „The Karst, the city and the sea“
Workshop on sea turtles at the exhibition „The Karst, the city and the sea“. Program Associate: Domagaoj Družina, pedagog NMZ-a Workshop supervisor: Renata Brezinščak I. part – Exhibition tour with an emphasis on the sea life, sea turtles and their protection. II. part – Workshop

MarWorkshop for museum educators, Zadar
Workshop on the project and protection of sea turtles

MarWorkshop at District school Zlarin
A workshop was held in a small fishing place Zlarin on the same named little island of the Šibenik archipelago. The workshop was for the children of the District school Zlarin (Elementary school Meterize, Šibenik). The workshop attended 7 children of various ages and mostly they were already familiar with sea turtles, but now on […]

NovCroatian Museum of Natural History in cooperation with the Šibenik City Museum LIFE – Euroturtles workshops
Croatian Museum of Natural History in cooperation with the Šibenik City Museum during November held 5 workshops for organized school and kindergarten groups.

JanBiological evenings: Sea turtles in Adriatic Sea – LIFE EUROTURTLES
The Department of Biodiversity organizes regular biological evenings, events where employees present their professional and research activities to university students, high school pupils and public. As a part of this events, we presented the topic of biology and conservation of sea turtles in Adriatic as a part of LIFE EUROTURTLES project. Intermediate results such as […]

NovWorkshop for presenting the Life-Euroturtles project to the youngest visitors
The public workshop for presenting the Life-Euroturtles project to the youngest visitors was organised on Saturday, November 23, 2019 in the Croatian Natural History Museum.

JunObserving tagged turtle with GPS-GSM transmitter in a near-shore enclosure
The University of Primorska in collaboration with Fondazione Cetacea from Italy attached another GPS-GSM transmitter on a rehabilitated sea turtle.

JunInteractive Educational Material of action E2
The University of Cyprus,Oceanography Centre (OC-UCY), preparedinteractiveeducational material for schoolchildren aged 3-12 years old,in order to inform pupils about sea turtles and their protection. The material consists of various interactive games through which pupils learn aboutthe sea turtlelife cycle, diet, survival/risk, pollution, entanglement,as well as simple practices that children can follow to protect turtles and […]

MayWorld sea turtule day at Crotian Natural History Museum
Every year we mark May 23, The World Turtle Day, by organizing a museum workshop for schoolchildren. This year, the 3a class of elementary school Dragutin Tadijanović from Zagreb attended the workshop. Our workshop aim is to educate the youngest about the sea turtles life, their biology as well as the need for their protection. […]

MayFirst GPS-GSM transmitters of 2019 deployed in Northern Adriatic
After the winter dedicated to further optimization of GPS-GSM transmitters, the University of Primorska got the opportunity, to attach the first two transmitters of 2019.

MarEvent for public awareness of the sea environment
The Department of Fisheries and Marine Research in collaboration with the Department of Biological Sciences of the University of Cyprus, partners in the EUROTURTLES Life Program, organize a public information day about the marine environment of Cyprus.

MarInformative presentation for LIFE EUROTURTLE S project, in the frame of MELTEMI project
Mr Georgios FyttisfromUniversity of Cyprus –Oceanography Centre (OC-UCY) presented the actions of LIFE EUROTURTLES with an emphasis to the action C6-Reducing the impact of ghost gear in turtles, at the training seminar organized by AKTI Project and Research Centre in the frame of the project MELTEMI.

FebParticipation to the I nternational Sea Turtle Symposium, 2019 at Charleston , South Carolina, USA
Mr Georgios Fyttis from University of Cyprus –Oceanography Centre (OC UCY) represented LIFE EUROTURTLES in the International Sea Turtle Symposium that was held at Charleston South Carolina, USAbetween 02 February and 08 February 2019.

DecBlue Hunt workshop
On December 10, 2018 a workshop was held at the Croatian Natural History Museum for students of a 3rd grade class from the V. Gymnasium (Science and Mathematics).

NovMeeting with fishermen in the frame of the actions C2, C3, C5 and C6
The stuff of Oceanography Centre,University of Cyprus (OC-UCY) had a meeting with local fishermen for multiple tasks of various actions of LIFE EUROTURTLES

NovPresentation of the EU – LIFE Euroturtles project at the 10th Croatian Museum Education Conference
The LIFE Euroturtles project and its educational activities run by the museum were presented at the conference by Renata Brezinščak, museum adviser for the Education and museum educator of the project.

OctWorkshop “Whose biodiversity, whose value?”
On the third day of the Mediterranean Sea Turtle Conference in Poreč researchers from the Blue World Institute (BWI) and the University of Primorska hosted the workshop on ‘Whose biodiversity, whose value? Engaging with stakeholders to understand their perceptions’.

OctPresentation of GSM tracking transmitter in Brijuni National Park
Brijuni National Park, 19. Oct. 2018. Spatial information is of a crucial importance for the effective conservation management of sea turtle populations and identification of high-used habitats. Satellite telemetry is currently the most widely used method for obtaining such information. Although efficient, this remote sensing technique (i) requires substantial funds, due to the high costs […]

OctLIFE Euroturtles on 6th Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles
LIFE Euroturtles partners will be strongly supporting the 6th Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles organisation and workshops, presenting the project and sharing acquired knowledge and experience.

OctLIFE Euroturtles 3rd Project meeting
The partners of LIFE Euroturtles project will meet on their third project meeting in Poreč, Croatia.

JunBlue World Institute celebrated World Sea Turtle Day
As every year, 16th of June 2018 was the date saved for the celebration of the World Sea Turtle Day! This year, as part of the educational activities on LIFE EUROTURTLES project („Collective Actions for Improving the Conservation Status of the EU Sea Turtle Populations“), Blue World Institute celebrated this important date by organizing a workshop for children at Ridimutak Beach at the island of Lošinj.

MayCroatian Natural History Museum on sea turtles, their biology, presence in the Adriatic Sea and protection
Lecture and workshops at the Croatian Natural History Museum on sea turtles, their biology, presence in the Adriatic Sea and protection. This programme was held for elementary school group of pupils from Pula; it was an opportunity for them to get acquainted with the Croatian Natural History Museum and to educate them about the marine […]

MayLecture and workshops at the Croatian Natural History Museum
Lecture and workshops at the Croatian Natural History Museum on sea turtles, their biology, presence in the Adriatic Sea and protection: – for students of the biology group of Primary School Tin Ujević, Zagreb – workshop goals: to get acquainted with the biology of turtles and to inform about their presence in the Adriatic Sea […]

AprConservation of marine turtles on Sicily
WWF Italy is announcing a public event to present the results of the first year of activities of LIFE Euroturtles on Sicily and organisation of the round table to discuss the further work and activities
Sep2nd meeting of project partners on Cyprus
2nd meeting of project partners “LIFE EUROTURTLES – Collective actions for improving the conservation status of the EU sea turtle populations” has been hosted by the University of Cyprus – Oceanography Centre and the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research in Larnaca on 26-28 September 2017.

AugFieldwork for the implementation of the project actions on Cyprus
Oceanography centre’s stuff visited Latsi area using ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) in order to record the sea turtle foraging grounds in the Polis-Gialia Natura 2000 site (CY4000001) as well as identifying the possible location of abandoned fishing gears (ghost nets).

AugLIFE 2017 Info day
Members of LIFE EUROTURTLES (OC-UCY) participated in LIFE 2017 INFO DAY on 8th of June 2017, in Cavo Greco Environmental Education Centre (Cyprus).

JulLIFE Euroturtles presentation at 19th Croatian SEMEP summer school on Vis
Blue World Instiute was invited as a guest organization to SEMEP School and we used the opportunity to present LIFE Euroturtles project but also to give lecture on marine turtles biology, ecology and conservation to around 70 students and their teachers.

JunCelebrating 25th LIFE program Anniversary
Department of Biodiversity at UP FAMNIT is announcing a public event to celebrate the 25th anniversary of LIFE programme and NATURA 2000 network in Slovenia and the European Union.
JunThe 1st dissemination activity on Cyprus
The 1st dissemination activity was carried out by Georgios Fyttis (Special scientist at OC-UCY), on 04-05 June 2017, at the Toxeftra beach in Akamas peninsula.

JunExcursion of Cyprus University of Technology’s students
Environmental group of students from Cyprus University of Technology will visit two of the nesting beaches (Lara and Toxeftra) where actions of LIFE EUROTURTLES will take place as well as the Latsi fishing shelter.
Given the opportunity of the completion of 25 years of LIFE programs and on the occasion of the European NATURA 2000 Day (21/5) and World Turtle Day (23/5), ARCHELON organizes an open event for the public at the Sea Turtle Rescue Center, on Sunday 28th May, at the 3rd marina of Glyfada, Athens.

MayEuropean day for nature conservation
Celebrating 25th LIFE program Anniversary and 30 years of Adriatic Dolphin Project
MayThe World Turtle Day
The aim is to bring attention to, and increase knowledge of and respect for, turtles and tortoises, and encourage human action to help them survive and thrive.
MarLIFE Euroturtles project presented on LIFE Info day
Dr. Draško Holcer, from Croatian Natural History Museum, coordinator of LIFE Euroturtles project presented the project aims, goals and activities on LIFE Info day organised in Zagreb.

NovSeminar for teachers on turtles
In November 2019 a seminar was held for primary school teachers presenting the educational package of LIFE EUROTURTLES project in Athens. The seminar was presented by Vasilis Hatzirvasanis, illustrator and environmental interpreter and the creator of the package, Katerina Tsikalaki, the environmental education officer of ARCHELON, and Ilias Pitsikas, member of the environmental education committee […]

On Friday, 25th of September 2020, the Blue World Institute organized a workshop in Mali Lošinj entitled ‘Open Day for Divers and Fishermen’. The main reason for this event was the presentation of sustainable practices and protocol for removing waste from the seabed, as well as the presentation of implementation of a modelling tool able […]

The World Sea Turtle Day – 16th of June, was celebrated at the Blue World Institute as a part of the activities of the „Collective Actions for Improving the Conservation Status of EU Sea Turtle Populations“ (LIFE EUROTURTLES) project. Therefore, interactive educational workshop on the excursion boat „Krško“ at Zabodarski Bay, island of Lošinj was […]

Jul9th Field Research Camp on Conservation biology
Attendees were invited to use the citizen science application to report observations of sea turtles and received multiple items of the project promotional materials.